The greatest gift an Emmaus Walk alumni can give is to sponsor another Christian on a future Walk.
Rev. Anne Kowalczyk
- Sponsorship starts with prayer, for Emmaus community and future Walks.
- Sponsoring strengthens church leadership/designed for those who are actively worshiping.
- Walks are not designed for those experiencing emotional or health issues, consider sponsoring after their issues are resolved.
- Resist temptation to invite “everyone you know” to share the great experience.
- Consider potential pilgrims who might be prepared and benefit from Walk.
- Lift potential pilgrim(s)’ names to God and allow him control over next steps.
Inviting Potential Pilgrims
Bill DeFries
- Present invitation to potential pilgrims/ and their spouses if appropriate.
- Fully explain Walk commitment of time and attention.
- Explain all participation is voluntary (except in adhering to schedule).
- Offer to “fill in gaps” for pilgrim with family/household necessities.
- Answer questions honestly—there are no secrets, only wonderful surprises.
- Offer application and discuss steps to complete and submit.
Application Process
Tina Gonzales
- Sponsor only one pilgrim per walk. Recruit other Emmaus community members to sponsor others, if needed.
- Continue application process/forms/signatures/submission.
- Address fee concerns.
- Begin process of contacting 8-12 family members/friends to provide letters.
Months Leading to Walk
Sally Lamb
- One month before the Walk, ensure applications, fees, letter requests are on track.
- Assist pilgrim with what to pack. Answer any additional questions.
- Confirm any “fill the home gaps” needs to ensure Walk attendance.
- Arrange to transport pilgrim to Walk venue.
Week of the Walk
Kathy Howden
- Week before the Walk, confirm transport and other details.
- Sign up for Prayer Vigil to pray during Walk.
- Day Walk begins, ensure Pilgrim has had something to eat and arrives on time.
- Attend Sponsors’ Hour.
During Your Pilgrim’s Walk
Lisa Damyzk
- During Walk, check on Pilgrim’s home or family for any needs they need met in their absence (plants, pets, mail, trash, meals, etc.).
- Attend Candlelight, invite other Community members to join you.
- Attend Closing Ceremony, transport pilgrim home.
Claudia DeFries
- After Walk, continue to pray for pilgrim.
- Assist with finding a Reunion Group.
- Bring them with you to Afterglow Celebration and future Gatherings for a time.